A committed establishment for sustainable luxury
A key player for the region & nature around it

Les Trésoms is one of the first independent hotels to conduct a carbon footprint assessment, reflecting its proactive policy to meet commitments aimed at reducing its environmental impact.

As a responsible company, we are committed to taking action on 4 fronts:

Preserve our resources

Labeled Clef Verte since 2011.
+300 monthly actions for sustainable management of water, energy and waste with permanent monitoring.

Acting for the local area

+200 suppliers carefully selected according to our own CSR charter.
+50 annual local and national philanthropy actions.
800,000 bees on site.

Building with Humans

We place the customer at the heart of all our actions. Training establishment with +150 apprentices in 26 years. Integration of employees with disabilities for over 10 years

Impacting the environment

One of the first independent hotels to have conducted its carbon footprint assessment and developed its 2030 decarbonization plan.


Our actions for sustainable resource management.

1st regional installation of 90m2 of solar thermal collectors in 2004 producing 70% of the hotel's domestic hot water.

Our Hotel is equipped with a or a+ or a++ LED lighting which allows energy savings and similar comfort for our customers. We have centralized technical management allowing us to better control our energy consumption. We have a high efficiency condensing boiler.

We have put in place numerous installations to save water: a 5000L rainwater recovery tank, sub-water meters, taps and showers equipped with economizers, double volume flushing. We raise awareness among our employees and customers about responsible consumption (display, incentives). We carry out sensible watering using a dropper.

A demanding approach, uncompromising with waste
Installation of a bio-digester which allows us to sort green waste from all services, considerably reducing our volume of organic waste. We produce our still and sparkling filtered water and serve it to our customers in reusable glass bottles.
Our main cleaning products are manufactured directly on site by a Cleanea salt electrolyser, producing 100% biodegradable disinfectant and cleaning products.


Integrating sustainability into all our practices

We have set up a vegetable garden where we grow aromatic plants and some fruits. Since 2014, a collective apiary has been created on our tree at the entrance to the hotel. 800,000 bees forage, pollinate and allow the increase in flora. An effective way to preserve bees because their population is experiencing a very sharp decline.
An establishment at the foot of the Semnoz mountain, which is part of the Massif des Bauges Regional Natural Park and dominates the west shore of Lake Annecy.

We select our service providers and suppliers based on their sustainable and social commitments and favor local companies whenever possible and direct purchasing.

We establish for our suppliers a charter of shared responsibility integrating progress objectives in order to develop their practices: reduction of packaging, alternatives to disposable plastic, recycling of pallets, etc.

We are supportive of many local initiatives and find it important to contribute to them on our scale: member of the "La Gentiane" association: local currency of the Annecy basin.
The Marquisats Tennis Club, a neighboring club and the Annecy sports associations "the Annecy Marathon, The Little Princes…" by participating in the athletes' endowment.
We participate in events for the benefit of associations such as "Les restos du coeur", "To each their own Everest", "La soup des chefs", "Children's Hospital",,,


Acknowledge our societal responsibility.

Welcoming employees with disabilities, in an inclusion project alongside the EPANOU association. Participation of chef Eric Prowalski in numerous events for the association each year.

We hire around fifteen work-study students & interns per year. We actively participate in the training of these young people with the educational teams of hotel and beauty schools and our service managers. We organize the apprentice day to promote their integration and promote the professions in our sector.

Adaptation of workstations according to all company profiles, removal of harmful chemicals with Cleanea to preserve the health of our teams, installation of bed lifts, installation of a kitchen piano, promotion of continuous service for the room and kitchen,...

We defend the human values ​​of equal opportunities; we are committed to parity and equality between women, men and gender. Discover our share index here.

Implementation of the sustainable mobility package in order to encourage and promote the use of alternative and sustainable modes of transport through bonuses.


The pleasure of experiencing sustainable tourism

We are one of the first independent establishments to have carried out its carbon assessment which highlights its proactive policy to meet commitments to reduce its environmental impact.

We train our teams in eco-friendly actions that we enforce in their daily tasks. Our department heads participate in the actions of the decarbonaction program.

We raise awareness among our customers in all the media they may encounter during their stay. We encourage them to adopt environmentally friendly actions by choosing sustainable nightlife, sorting their waste, etc. The region's public transport timetables are available at reception to encourage customers and employees to use these means of transport.

We promote long stays and eco-responsible modes of transport for their lower environmental impact by offering services during the stay.
We offer electric bikes for rental and direct our customers towards sustainable tourist circuits as soon as possible.

One of the first independent 4* Hotel to have carried out its carbon footprint and to have become involved in the Décarbon'action project

Decarbonation is, according to the Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, "the set of measures and techniques aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions" (1). In other words, it encompasses all the methods through which an organization can reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Whats is,
the Decarbonaction ? 


Our Social Policy:

We have built ourselves thanks to people !

Discover ou values in video:

#Excellence #Singularity #Commitment #Sharing



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